Funny Borders Funny Borders for Moms

Texas Gov: Biden is "reckless" and "out of touch" for not letting babies of illegal aliens in federal custody starve

  • Thread starter Yukishiro1
  • Start date
Oct 2, 2005
  • #1

How much further does the GOP have to go before people will admit that yes, this actually is a fascist political party? They're now literally advocating for the starving of babies locked up in detention camps. Does that ring any bells? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

  • #2
We could just stop letting people cross into our borders. Then, formula wouldn't be going to them and none of them would be in cages, and this wouldn't be an issue at all.
  • #3
Life is sacred - God didn't create borders. This is anti-God
  • #4
God didn't create borders...?

Think that through buddy. God outlined the borders of Israel... LOL Clearly he thinks borders would be a good idea..

Also, its not anti God, what you said is just plain stupid.

  • #5
God didn't create those borders - God is bigger than Israel. Respect God. Life is sacred, Life is bigger than a border. You worship the creations of man, money and power - that's the devils game.

edit: Also you laugh at that post? Do you think if God came down and talked to you right this instant - God would want you to put kids in cages for the crime of their parents crossing a border, yes or no?

  • #6
God didn't create borders...?

Think that through buddy. God outlined the borders of Israel... LOL Clearly he thinks borders would be a good idea..

Also, its not anti God, what you said is just plain stupid.

Wait, do you actually believe every single thing some ancient politician attributed to God was something he actually said?
  • #7
God didn't create those borders - God is bigger than Israel. Respect God. Life is sacred, Life is bigger than a border. You worship the creations of man, money and power - that's the devils game.

edit: Also you laugh at that post? Do you think if God came down and talked to you right this instant - God would want you to put kids in cages for the crime of their parents crossing a border, yes or no?

  • #8
So you think God wants you to put kids in cages? That's evil.
Oct 2, 2005
  • #9
Please folks, don't engage with Mastboro's idiocy and let him distract from what's going on. A major GOP politician is attacking Biden for feeding babies in federal detention camps. This is where the GOP is in 2022. We're not just on the road to fascism any more, it's right here screaming in our face demanding that we starve babies.

If you made this shit up nobody would believe it was real, not in America.

  • #10
Please folks, don't engage with Mastboro's idiocy and let him distract from what's going on. A major GOP politician is attacking Biden for feeding babies in federal detention camps. This is where the GOP is in 2022. We're not just on the road to fascism any more, it's right here screaming in our face.
theyve always been like this.. the fact that bush had to say 'compassionate conservatism' is worth remembering. He had to say that because conservative policies are inherently hatefu, hurtful, selfish and dismissive of humanity. We never hear 'compassionate liberal'. Nobody questions liberals on this, they might say 'too nice' or 'get taken advantage of' but nobody woukd say it overlooks humanity or the fact life is sacred and valuable
  • #11
So you think God wants you to put kids in cages? That's evil.
No. Nor do I. But they must be kept somewhere safe, clothed, fed, and cared for. Especially if we dont know who they are or who they are actually here with. So until someone comes up with the a better system, or ends this madness, it will continue. My stance, is that it shouldnt be needed at all because none of them should be here until they are vetted and approved to legally immigrate here.

I dont want people just crossing into our borders at all unless theyve been vetted thoroughly and any agreement we have that allows it with anyone, needs to be dissolved.

Then, we could shut down those cages that the Obama admin opened.

Oct 2, 2005
  • #12
What does that have to do with the Texas Governor demanding that Biden starve babies in federal custody? If you want to rant about illegal immigration you can do that in another thread, but surely not even you could support the government starving babies, could you?
  • #13
No. The point was that we have a formula shortage across the nation and we are sending food to illegals and ignoring our own citizen's babies.

We get the left hates our citizenry. This is nothing new. But it is low that our own children should be ignored in favor of people who should not be here in the first place.

Much like everything dems believe and stand for, you guys are wrong.

  • #14
We could just stop letting people cross into our borders. Then, formula wouldn't be going to them and none of them would be in cages, and this wouldn't be an issue at all.
This, it's what Jesus would do.
Oct 2, 2005
  • #15
No. The point was that we have a formula shortage across the nation and we are sending food to illegals and ignoring our own citizen's babies.

We get the left hates our citizenry. This is nothing new. But it is low that our own children should be ignored in favor of people who should not be here in the first place.

Much like everything dems believe and stand for, you guys are wrong.

We're only "sending" that food to illlegals in federal custody, i.e. people who literally cannot feed themselves because we don't let them. So are you saying you agree with Abbot that the federal government should let those babies in federal custody starve in order to take that food and give it to Americans instead?
  • #16
does dipshitter McGee not understand the supply is not big, isn't baby food but toddler food, and is needed for the people we kidnap
  • #17
We're only "sending" that food to illlegals in federal custody, i.e. people who literally cannot feed themselves because we don't let them. So are you saying you agree with Abbot that the federal government should let those babies in federal custody starve in order to take that food and give it to Americans instead?
No. Since we let them in, we have to take care of them. Thats also the problem. Its now our responsibility to care for them and during a nation wide shortage on formula where its hard enough to feed our own babies, that makes it even worse. Now we are in effect robbing from our own citizens - and this is exactly that - and feeding people that do not belong here in the first place.

We are robbing peter to pay paul and we all know this doesn't work. At the same time, were pretty much allowing our own babies to starve so we can feed the illegals we are keeping here that we shouldn't be keeping or allowing to be here to begin with.

  • #18
No. Since we let them in, we have to take care of them. Thats also the problem. Its now our responsibility to care for them and during a nation wide shortage on formula where its hard enough to feed our own babies, that makes it even worse. Now we are in effect robbing from our own citizens - and this is exactly that - and feeding people that do not belong here in the first place.

We are robbing peter to pay paul and we all know this doesn't work. At the same time, were pretty much allowing our own babies to starve so we can feed the illegals we are keeping here that we shouldn't be keeping or allowing to be here to begin with.

all lives matter *grin*
Dec 12, 2004
  • #19

Also, if it gets down to it (it won't) it's always going to be citizens of the US before foreign nationals.

That's simply a given.

Dec 20, 2001
  • #20
And yet the racist noobs lecture me when I laugh at the idea that they are pro life. These babies are from mostly Christian families. Mastara has said how he cares about his Christian brothers and sisters and how pro life he is.

Here we see that none of that is true. He hates who Fox tells him to hate, even if it's literally his own race and his own people.

There is nothing Christian or Pro Life about it. It's pure fear and hate.

  • #21
We got the self hating white guy up here accusing other people about hating their own race LOL '
Youre the one who cares about race. I don't.
Dec 12, 2004
  • #22
Earlier today:
It's gotten so bad for them that the left has even been attempting to redefine what being pro-life should mean. :o)

On cue:
And yet the racist noobs lecture me when I laugh at the idea that they are pro life.

Yep, he's a ginger.

Dec 20, 2001
  • #23
Racist insults are probably not a good look for a racist noob, noob.

Also, I don't think that was the burn you thought it was. You basically just proved my point, Thanks helper monkey!

  • #24
Thats a stretch to say that ginger is racist lol.

I swear what is your obsession with wanting to see racial issues in everything?

Oct 3, 2005
  • #25
Please folks, don't engage with Mastboro's idiocy and let him distract from what's going on. A major GOP politician is attacking Biden for feeding babies in federal detention camps. This is where the GOP is in 2022. We're not just on the road to fascism any more, it's right here screaming in our face demanding that we starve babies.

If you made this shit up nobody would believe it was real, not in America.

He's following a law that Trump tried to overturn but couldn't. A Few Republicans in NYS are demanding we raid orphanages and homeless shelters for any "excess" formula, so, middle class white families won't have to hit a bunch of grocery stores.

One of the big reasons there's a shortage is because the main factory producing Similac had been in disrepair for years, but, the company couldn't spare any money to fix it because they were spending billions on stock buybacks. America!

Dec 12, 2004
  • #27
"free formula for anyone who illegally brings their babies to america. We'll take it from our babies it's fine."
  • #28
There isn't even a shortage of formula.

There is a shortage of one version of one brand of formula.

That's it. Nothing apocalyptic. No babies in any danger of starving (well, no more than usual in 'Murica). The sky isn't falling, it's a huge fuck up by a corporation that makes formula, not the end of days and life as we know it.

Nice to see the "pro-life" crowd going ape shit and demanding we starve brown babies in American concentration camps so "real 'Muricans" don't have to switch brands of baby food though.

You fascist sheeple snowflakes panic constantly and are desperate to let everyone know that if brown prison babies have to die so you feel better, that's a sacrifice you are eager to make.

  • #29
Yet again, another thread that would be a lot better for everyone involved if they put mascara on ignore.


Chief Window Licker and Potato Ninja
Oct 3, 2005
  • #30
We get the left hates our citizenry.
Not the entire citizenry, only 27%
Apr 4, 2004
  • #31
He's following a law that Trump tried to overturn but couldn't. A Few Republicans in NYS are demanding we raid orphanages and homeless shelters for any "excess" formula, so, middle class white families won't have to hit a bunch of grocery stores.

One of the big reasons there's a shortage is because the main factory producing Similac had been in disrepair for years, but, the company couldn't spare any money to fix it because they were spending billions on stock buybacks. America!

This or just tell them to breast feed.


"money hungry yankee bitch"
  • #32
There is a formula shortage. It's not just one kind, it's one huge manufacturer.

apparently there's no shortage in Canada so I don't know why we haven't started working with them to alleviate this.

Photos that were posted at the border also included pallets of powdered milk that they said was all this formula. It wasn't. It's powdered milk for toddlers.

I'd also wager that a lot of the babies there are breastfed. Formula isn't exactly convenient to be making while you're hiking through the desert. I'm sure some need formula and we can't starve the babies. They have no options to get food but what they're given.

Maybe all the moms on WIC should just get a job so they don't need the WIC subsidized formula, right? That is the one of the hardest hit groups. So pull up your boots, get a job (because everyone has now hiring signs up) and buy formula with money. Stop waiting for handouts…. Right?

The situation is fucked up but blame Abbott manufacturing. They're the ones with contaminated baby formula that killed 2 babies and sickened others.



Ramones Biggest Fan
  • #33
People in this country genuinely hate holding corporations accountable when they can instead spin it into a political issue.
  • #34
Yeah. WIC is the biggest impact since somehow the brand that is all screwed up is the only brand you can buy with WIC in most states. Gee, I wonder how that happened?

Why in the world would we limit babies who need food to only get help buying that food if they buy food from only one company? That almost makes it sound like the aid is more for the company than it is for the babies. [face_shock]

Anyway, I'm somewhat surprised republicans went all ultranationalist (AKA Nazi) on this "issue" when they could have gone misogynistic instead.

Why the hell are those mothers out there buying formula instead of using the titties god gave them? Maybe we should pass some laws to keep women of child bearing years at home with overflowing boobs for their youngins like gawd intended. Old women should be doing those jobs since they have no reason to exist once they can spit out babies anymore. It's just biology people. Facts are facts!

  • #35
Haha all credibility is lost with these people
Jan 24, 2005
  • #36
One brand shut down but it held 40% of the market share for the U.S.

We can't import from Europe because FDA regulations, and Trump tightened our import regulations on Canada so we stopped importing from them.

Finally, this country doesn't give two shits about babies. It's pathetic. If we did, we'd have invested more in feeding our children rather than having undernourished, malnourished, or even starving children in even normal times. But that would be socialism or "needs based welfare." There needs to be a strategic stockpile of formula, as important as oil is, you can't tell me it's more important than feeding children.



"money hungry yankee bitch"
  • #37
I don't think you can really stockpile formula. It goes bad. I had to use formula in the early days because my milk didn't come in right away and it is really quite difficult. You need to boil water or use formula water unless you're confident your water source is 100% safe. You can only use it for a certain time then you have to throw it away. Sterilize bottles. It is a lot of work and if you don't do it right or carefully your baby can get sick. I guess you could stockpile it but it would require lots of inventory management and waste if you're throwing away the expired stuff or trying to get it used up before it expires.

A large contributor to this really is the WIC aspect. I haven't looked for formula at the store, but it is the WIC brands that were effected the most as far as I know. There really is a lot of problems with how we function as a country that was shown to be problematic as soon as there is a glitch in the system. I also am unclear why the facility isn't back up yet and manufacturing.



"money hungry yankee bitch"
  • #38
Also… lol here's something funny. Why doesn't the governor of Texas spend his energy… I don't know working on the power grid problem in his state? But no why fix issues when you can just point at others and blame them for some other problem to distract against your shitty leadership.
Jun 4, 2012
  • #39
And yet the racist noobs lecture me when I laugh at the idea that they are pro life. These babies are from mostly Christian families. Mastara has said how he cares about his Christian brothers and sisters and how pro life he is.

Here we see that none of that is true. He hates who Fox tells him to hate, even if it's literally his own race and his own people.

There is nothing Christian or Pro Life about it. It's pure fear and hate.

And Mastara laughs, once again. Does he think God doesn't see him laugh?
  • #40
This is what conservatives would have designed if they could.

Biden has largely done a terrible job at the border. He certainly hasn't fixed anything.

and now conservatives can point to the truth, our border is just a huge handout for anyone who wants to step up and take it. Chances are we'll let you in for years until your trial. And if you're one of the people we just can't because you've ignored our rules or trial dates in the past they'll hold you and feed you for years.
With supply chains, shortages and inflation this is another issue that is bound to get worse.
And of course dems have the solution. Higher taxes and huger payouts.

  • #41
I have been told "They didn't JUST use money from putting off repairs to buy back stock. They also used some of it to lobby the government to reduce the requirements around how much bacteria was acceptable for them to expose babies too so they could cut costs on manufacturing as well

Do our resident idiots here understand that these people doing this are clearly Republicans? And they lobbied Republicans? Because you fuckers are evil and responsible for literally every bad thing in America today and for the past 200 years.

  • #42
This is what conservatives would have designed if they could.

Biden has largely done a terrible job at the border. He certainly hasn't fixed anything.

and now conservatives can point to the truth, our border is just a huge handout for anyone who wants to step up and take it. Chances are we'll let you in for years until your trial. And if you're one of the people we just can't because you've ignored our rules or trial dates in the past they'll hold you and feed you for years.
With supply chains, shortages and inflation this is another issue that is bound to get worse.
And of course dems have the solution. Higher taxes and huger payouts.

No one cares about the fucking border unless they have been listening to fear mongering bullshit from Fox, Oan and their ilk. And if you get your facts from right wing bullshit rags and media you should be ashamed.

When you try to sound the alarm like people should care - we don't.



Chief Window Licker and Potato Ninja
Oct 3, 2005
  • #43
Why should I care about what is going on with the border?
Jun 4, 2012
  • #44
Why should I care about what is going on with the border?
Mexicans are creeping towards Massachusetts as we speak.


Chief Window Licker and Potato Ninja
Oct 3, 2005
  • #45
Why? Are Mexicans worse than others? We have a ton of Puerto Ricans, Portuguese, and Vietnamese, and all have blended in well. They still keep their culture and add to ours. Are Mexicans worse than them?
Jan 24, 2005
  • #46
The border "crisis" is a Republican made issue.

We should be encouraging an immigrant workforce here but instead we have a shortage of employees. I'm sure it's just the lazy generations fault though.

Oct 2, 2005
  • #47
and now conservatives can point to the truth, our border is just a huge handout for anyone who wants to step up and take it. Chances are we'll let you in for years until your trial. And if you're one of the people we just can't because you've ignored our rules or trial dates in the past they'll hold you and feed you for years.
With supply chains, shortages and inflation this is another issue that is bound to get worse.
And of course dems have the solution. Higher taxes and huger payouts.
Yeah those stupid welfare queen immigrants, coming to America for the free formula they get while locked up in their cages. What an easy life. I'm surprised there aren't Americans pretending to be illegals just to get the sweet, sweet "handouts" that come with living in federal detention camps.


Jun 4, 2012
  • #48
Why? Are Mexicans worse than others? We have a ton of Puerto Ricans, Portuguese, and Vietnamese, and all have blended in well. They still keep their culture and add to ours. Are Mexicans worse than them?
It was a joke. Mexicans creeping through the woods... There's one now!


Last edited:
Jul 26, 2006
  • #49
God didn't create borders...?

Think that through buddy. God outlined the borders of Israel... LOL Clearly he thinks borders would be a good idea..

Also, its not anti God, what you said is just plain stupid.

Oh yeah, he split them between "where we are" and "where the people we own as slaves come from".

Did he set America's border too?



Ramones Biggest Fan
  • #50
I live in the epicenter of international communities in my state and the people here are nicer and better neighbors than the pricks in the gentrified area I used to live in.

Immigrants are just like any other group of people except they are more grateful for what they have.


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